tribal people El Molo woman in a bright orange blanket, Northern Kenya Eyes of Kikuyu tribeswoman with traditionally painted face, Kenya Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya Blind man of El Molo - drinking water from Lake Turkana brings many health problems to El Molo population, Northern Kenya African people Turkana, Kenya Portrait of Kikuyu dancer in traditional costume of red blanket and headdress made of ostrich feathers, Kenya El Molo children in village local school, Lake Turkana, Northern Kenya Portrait of Kikuyu tribeswoman with traditionally painted face and jewelry, Kenya Elderly Samburu woman in South Horr, Kenya Maasai children in village school, KenyaCopyright: Frantisek Boy and fish, El Molo people at Lake Turkana, Northern Kenya Detail of Turkana tribal decorations, Loyangalani, Northern Kenya Samburu mother with little child in her arms, Kenya Turkana girl with traditional tribal bead ornaments, Northern Kenya Samburu woman wearing colorful tribal decorations, Kenya Close up of Turkana woman wearing typical tribal decorations, Northern Kenya Turkana medicine men wearing clay hairdo and genuine tribal ornaments, Kula Samaki, Northern Kenya African people Turkana, Kenya Old Samburu woman wearing colorful tribal ornaments of bead necklaces, Kenya African people Turkana, Kenya Close up portrait of Turkana girl with traditional hairstyle and bead decorations, Loyangalani, Northern Kenya Jumping high - Zambian children at game, Zambia African people Turkana, Kenya Close up portrait of Turkana medicine man, Kula Samaki, Northern Kenya Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya Smiling lips of Samburu woman with colorful bead necklaces, Kenya Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya Village girl, Zambia Old man and shadow - Samburu man in red blanket resting before colorful butchery wall, South Horr, Kenya Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya « ‹ 1 of 3 › »