adventure Lion male (Panthera leo) resting in Busanga Plains of Kafue National Park, Zambia Tree of life in the Namib desert. Aerial photograph, Namibia El Molo woman in a bright orange blanket, Northern Kenya Eyes of Kikuyu tribeswoman with traditionally painted face, Kenya Landscape of el Agabat Valley, Western Desert, Egypt Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya Little girl and shadow in Den/ui village, Bushmanland, Namibia aves of the Atlantic Ocean meet the sand of Namib Desert - Aerial photograph, Namibia Blind man of El Molo - drinking water from Lake Turkana brings many health problems to El Molo population, Northern Kenya Wind-sculpted rock formations in the landscape of White Desert, Egypt African people Turkana, Kenya Aerial photograph of Victoria Falls, Zambia Bushman children playing in the sand, Den/ui village, Bushmanland, Namibia Cheetah cub lying in the setting sun, Namibia Portrait of Kikuyu dancer in traditional costume of red blanket and headdress made of ostrich feathers, Kenya El Molo children in village local school, Lake Turkana, Northern Kenya Dusk in the volcanic landscape of the Black Desert, Egypt Sand, rock and vegetation blending in the Namib Desert Aerial photograph Portrait of Kikuyu tribeswoman with traditionally painted face and jewelry, Kenya Elderly Samburu woman in South Horr, Kenya Bizarre colors and shapes in the landscape of White Desert during sunrise, Egypt Fantastic landscape of the White Desert, Egypt Aerial photograph of Kafue National Park, Zambia Sand dunes of the Namib Desert disappearing in haze - Aerial photograph Maasai children in village school, KenyaCopyright: Frantisek Boy and fish, El Molo people at Lake Turkana, Northern Kenya Fantastic scenery of the White Desert landscape, Egypt Rock formations of the White Desert, Egypt Aerial photograph of Victoria Falls, Zambia Bushman children in Den/ui village school, Bushmanland, Namibia « ‹ 1 of 5 › »